3D modeling is a field where artists create 3D objects, scenes or characters. After training, you can become a 3D environment artist, who can work with models and textures
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Software used in this course
Autodesk Maya
Blocking, modelling,test assembly
Maxon Zbrush
Creating a highpoly assets
Substance Painter
Texturing low poly assets
Substance Designer
Creating tile textures
Marmoset Toolbag 3
Baking high poly assets to low poly 3
Unreal Engine 5
Assembly, realtime render
Adobe Photoshop
Post editing for screenshots
Adobe Premiere Pro
Post editing and montage a video render
Cource Chapters
Searching for refences (Using main and additional references)
Blockout (creating a layout using simple draft shapes, creating a main composition)
Basic Unreal Engine Scene setup (Exporting a draft scene from Maya to UE5 and put on a scene to look at the scale and basic lighting setup)
Assets full pipeline Modelling
- Creating low poly mesh in Maya - Creating high poly mesh using Zbrush - Creating UV in Maya - Baking High poly mesh to Low poly in Marmoset - Creating Textures with Substaince Painter
Cliffs Full pipeline Modelling
- Creating low poly mesh in Maya - Creating high poly mesh using Zbrush - Creating UV in Maya - Baking High poly mesh to Low poly in Marmoset - Creating Textures with Substaince Painter
Assembling scene inside Maya
Regrouping Assets and Export to FBX
Import Assets to UE5
UE5 Material setup
Building the scene with assets
Creating a tile texture in Substaince Designer
Creating Destruction in Maya and UE5
Debris assets creation
UE5 scene lighting setup
Creating decals pipeline
- Creating an alpha mask in Photoshop - Setup Decal Material in UE5 - Using Decal on a scene
Techical adjustments
- Assets Collision Creating - Optimization with Nanite System
- Realtime movie rendering and post-editing in Adobe Premier Pro - Realtime pictures rendering and post-editing in Adobe Photoshop
Example of the final scene
About me:
Environment artist with more than 5 years of experience with studios and freelance work.
Currently working in Saber Interactive on AAA title.
Environment artist in Danu Games Studio working on Open World MMO RPG Game
In this cource student gonna learn next skills
Concepting and blockout scene based on references
Full pipeline assets creation (Low poly/hight poly creation/baking/texturing)
Assets/Materials setup inside Unreal Engine 5
Building the scene inside UE5
Tile texture creation inside Substaince Designer
Creating decals and using it in UE5
Lighting setup in UE5 with new Lumen system
Basic optimization, using new Nanite System in UE5
Scene render for Artstation portfolio
Basic student knowlege to run this cource
Basic Maya modelling skills (also you can use Blender or 3DsMax to pass this cource, the only thing Teacher will not be able to help if there will be specific questions with software) There is no difficult shapes modelling so if you have a very basic modelling skills - it is enough for the cource.
Very basic knowlege about Zbrush (If you know how to navigate inside - it is enough, all needed knowlege explained in cource)
Substance painter/designer
Very basic knowlege of Substance Painter/Designer sowtware (If you know how to navigate inside - it is enough, all needed knowlege explained in cource)
Unreal Engine
Very basic Unreal Engine knowlege is good, but not requaried
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This cource requaries basic knowlege in some software. What it means? It means if you know how to open file, navigate inside the softwate, export file - it is enough to run the cource. Everything else explained inside. For modelling software you need to have a basic modelling skills.
If you never used any of this software you still can start the cource, but you would need to pause it and learn from different sources what skills you don't have.
Create stunning 3D worlds! Enroll in our course and start learning today.